
Kakkua viikonlopuksi

Tämä kehittelemäni kakkuohje on ollut kovassa käytössä ja suosiossa minun ja siskoni perheessä. Parivuotiaamme ei aina ole kovin innokas proteiinien popsija, mutta kakun muodossa hänkään ei voi niitä vastustaa. Etenkään kun valmiista leivonnaisesta ei ikinä uskoisi, että suurin osa sen aineksista on papuja.

Ohje löytyy pähkinä ja manteli -blogistamme.

Herkullista viikonloppua!

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Cake for the weekend

This healthy cake recipe I created has been a big hit in my family and in my sister's too. You would never guess the most of the pastry actually consists of beans! And no sugar, just a little bit of honey. Perfect for children too.


1 carton (circa 250 grams) organic beans in water, for example black or cannelini
3 big organic eggs
0,5 dl cocoa powder
2 tbsp ground almonds
2 tbsp desiccated coconut
1 tsp baking powder
pinch of Himalayan salt
a couple of drops of vanilla extract
2 tbsp honey
5-7 dates
2 tbsp butter or oil

Chop dried dates and let them soak in water, also the ones for the topping. Rinse and drain the beans. Mix the dry ingredients in a separate bowl and place the mix in a blender with other ingredients, but leave out dates, honey and butter/oil. After the mixture is smooth, add the rest and blend.

Pour the mixture in an oiled/buttered tin and bake in 175 celcius / 350 fahrenheit for 25-30 minutes.


1 banana
a couple of dates (and some of the soaking water)
pinch of Himalayan salt
2 tbsp cocoa powder (raw)
3 tbsp extra virgin coconut oil

Heat the coconut oil just a little bit to make it liquid, if it's solid. Mix all ingredients in a blender. Add some water left from the soaked dates, if the mixture seems too thick.

Spread the topping on the cake and let it cool down. I'm sure you're going to taste it immediately, but the cake is at its best after a day or two.

Enjoy and have a lovely weekend!

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